Construction Updates: Behind the Scenes Hard Hat Tours
For quick updates on the renovation project of Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation, you can visit or subscribe to the 3-Minute Rundown.
During August, nearly fifty Cedar Laners took advantage of hard hat tours behind the construction barriers. They got a first-hand taste of what the renovated building will be like. Drywall wasn’t up yet, so much of the skeleton, veins, and arteries were visible. Everyone marveled at the complexity – and the upgrades we’ll enjoy.
Behind the Scenes Tours
You don’t have to have been on a tour to see the new social hall and deck emerging. Here the framing of the new window wall is in place, as are the deck’s footings and surface. Imagine how we’ll gravitate to it for coffee hour, how generations of couples will love it for their wedding receptions.
Inside, the social hall is much more spacious, now that the quilters room is gone and the awkwardly located columns have been moved.
No longer will the main entrance be to a cramped hallway. The large main lobby already feels more welcoming.
Just off the lobby, where the bulletin boards used to be, the elevator shaft is built, ready for delivery of the elevator cab. And new restrooms between the social hall and kitchen have been framed and wired. By the time you’re reading this, plumbing will be in place.
The tour moved to the front of the sanctuary, where the chancel’s raised stage had been lowered, along with the raised backstage area. These changes enabled a discreet ramp on the right side of the sanctuary, to accommodate users of all mobilities, as well as carts of chairs and other stuff headed to storage. We’ll soon have capacious storage behind the chancel.
Downstairs, hard hat tourists saw what will be the new family lounge, between the elevator and hallway from the lower parking lot. It’s wired and plumbed for a kitchenette and will be popular with parents, teachers and our kids.
What’s next?
Cedar Lane Nursery School has already returned to their lower level space. Worship services will continue in the sanctuary through September, then move to the Chapel while the sanctuary gets new flooring and the chancel is built out. Our amazing contractor Whitener Jackson is right on schedule for completion by early March. A celebratory event is in the early planning stage!
What then? Fingers crossed, and with the continuing generosity of Cedar Laners, we’ll return to new seating in the sanctuary, new comfortable furniture in the main lobby and family lounge and on the deck, much improved audio visual systems, and refreshed classrooms with equipment linked to the systems.
How can you help, you ask? Two ways spring to mind. Help raise the funds that will allow us to finish everything – to be debt free, with new furnishings, modern AV equipment and refreshed classrooms. More on this soon!
The other way is hands-on. All that “stuff” that volunteers schlepped into storage last February, has to be schlepped into its new locations. Watch for Greg Falcigno’s call for schleppers early in the new year!
Meanwhile, continue to be careful when around or in our changing building, and imagine what the renovation will make possible. Your generosity is making the future happen!
Accessing Worship Services & Housekeeping Notes
We invite you to join us for worship in the sanctuary on Sundays at 10:30 AM. As always, we also livestream worship services at 10:30 AM on YouTube.
Building materials have been removed from the back of the sanctuary and there is ample seating.
The sanctuary is somewhat dusty as the contractor continues working behind the stage area. In addition, the sanctuary floor is concrete and there are some areas that are a bit rough. Please use caution.
There is a dumpster in the parking lot near the main entrance that is occupying two handicapped parking spaces. Handicapped spaces are available on the right side as you enter the parking lot for the main building, as well as next to the dumpster.
Restrooms available for use:
- A clean portable toilet with hand-washing station outside near the chapel (wheelchair accessible). Use of the portable toilet is encouraged.
- Restroom at the bottom of the stairs near the chapel (not wheelchair accessible).
- Restrooms in the Chalice House (wheelchair accessible).
Do not enter areas that are under construction. We do not have access to the lounge, the upstairs hallway with the bathrooms, the front of the sanctuary, and most of the downstairs.
Religious Education Starts this Sunday
Religious Education for children and youth starts Sunday at 10:30 AM. Parents and caregivers should follow arrival information as provided via email. If you did not receive an email, please come to the main entrance of the building.
Meeting Access and Contacting Staff
Cedar Lane teams are welcome to contact Lizzie Person, Office Administrator (lperson (at) to schedule onsite, late afternoon or evening meetings. Space is limited.
Mail is being delivered to the building and collected by staff. Many staff members continue to work remotely. Email remains the best way to be in touch.
For Cedar Lane Ministry Teams contact information and the current schedule of events, visit:
…And remember, quick updates on the renovation project are shared in the weekly e-news or can be directly accessed in the 3-Minute Rundown. Stay tuned!